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Ярмарка Горных Вакансий - Москва 2014

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Горячие вакансии

Technical Services Engineer

An operating Gold mining company is in search of a Chief Metallurgist.

A gold mining company requires a Director of Operations

Техник , Хабаровск

Техник, Петрозаводск

Менеджер по развитию долгосрочных сервисных программ, Караганда

Менеджер проекта, Санкт-Петербург

Руководитель группы поддержки продаж, Санкт-Петербург

Инженер-проектировщик, Санкт-Петербург

Сервисный Инженер, Караганда

Сервисный Инженер, Екатеринбург




Руководитель Обособленного подразделения г. Карталы (Челябинская область)

Менеджер по снабжению и логистике

Инструктор по обучению персонала

Горный инженер (специалист по компьютерному моделированию, открытые горные работы)


Главный инженер

Инженер-механик по эксплуатации

CIS Commissioning Engineer

Технический директор (марганцевые руды)

Менеджер по логистике и снабжению (добыча калийных руд)

Менеджер проекта (калийные руды)

Главный механик (калийные руды)

Главный инженер проекта. Калийные руды

Региональный представитель (Восточная Сибирь, Иркутск \ Чита)

Директор проекта по добыче россыпного золота

Руководитель горного проекта в Африке

Главный Геолог по разведке МПИ

Директор по малым и средним проектам

Главный Геотехник Производственного Объединения

Технический Директор Группы

Координатор по техническому обслуживанию и ремонтам

Ведущий технолог \ обогатитель



Ведущий горный инженер

Начальник участка измельчения

Координатор по техническому обслуживанию и ремонтам

Представительcтво Австралийской горной компании приглашает на работу главного инженера-заместителя директора.

Начальник ЗИФ (КВ)

Директор управления капитального строительства

Заместитель директора по горным работам (открытые горные работы)

Главный инженер шахты (золотодобыча)

Начальник ОФ (флотация)

Генеральный Директор ГОКа (полиметаллы)

Финансовый директор ГОКа

Генеральный директор

Механик ЗИФ


Новые резюме

Горный мастер

Руководитель карьера


Главный инженер


Мастер смены


Главный маркшейдер

Главный маркшейдер

Нач. техн. отдела

The Russian National Resource for the Mining and Metallurgical Industries

Events, News, People

MinerJob.ru which is focused on the mining and metallurgical industry issues involves thousands specialists of the industries mentioned. Besides, it is an informational area for placing of vacancy information and CVs.

The project was established on Russian language for Russian specialists in the mining and metallurgical industries. Visitors of the project are chiefs of mining and metallurgical enterprises, managers and experts in both industries.

It is the best opportunity to distribute and advertise your equipment and machinery. Our database contains over 6000 registering users, which are interested in mining equipment and machinery.

Our services allow:

· To receive daily branch news.
· To learn announcements of profile conferences and exhibitions.
· To buy/sell the mining equipment and techniques.
· To find the former classmates.
· To carry out search of the mining and metallurgical companies in "The Catalogue of the enterprises" which includes the fullest and a trustworthy information about the existing companies of mining industry of Russia and the CIS.

The Rusmining Company is a recruitment agency, which was established in 2001 to recruit specialists for the mining industry. We offer vacancies for mining specialists of different levels: executive staff, lower echelon specialists, and workers. We cooperate both with leading mining companies in Russia and the CIS for example RUSAL, Polymetal and with representative offices of western companies in the CIS e.g. Peter Hambro Mining, Arricom, and etc. Our ability to fill positions with the right people stems not only from a dedication to our clients' needs but also from our in-depth knowledge of the Mining industry.

Rusmining provide high quality personnel to national and international organisations at all levels within a mining industry. We have all opportunities to fulfill the orders of any kind, using a wide spectrum of methods in search and select for personnel. We have an exceptional and in-depth understanding of current market issues, which allows our clients and candidates to enjoy an outstanding level of service. We are always interested in developing relationships to provide mining informational service and to complete unique database of mining specialists CVs.

Within the frameworks of cooperation we can offer following services:

1. For foreign companies that planning to open representative office in the CIS we would like to offer the database of specialists CVs. The database contains more than 5000 CVs of mining specialists.

2. We would like to place specialists from Russia and the CIS in a job for foreign companies (abroad).

3. If a foreign company has already established its office in the CIS we can offer it executive search.

4. If a company specializes in manufacturing of equipment for the mining industry, we would like to offer it the project www.MinerJob.ru. The internet-portal contains a billboard where the company can place its advertisement for product promotion in the Russian market. We offer recruiting services to find high literate sales managers for such a company as well.

5. If an equipment manufacturer is already presented in Russia and the CIS we can offer it professional search and selection of the following specialists: service engineers, engineering setup experts, regional managers, sales managers.

29 Liteiny pr., Saint-Petersburg, 191028, Russia
tel.: +7 (812) 275-53-52
+7 (812) 322-59-03
+7 (812) 324-74-98
fax.: +7 (812) 324-74-99

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